Sunday, September 8, 2013

Just the way you are

Last Saturday, I had the opportunity to attend a talk by one of the most inspiring speakers – Nick Vujicic. It was free of charge and it was held in City Harvest Church Kuala Lumpur. 
I reached church an hour and a half earlier hoping to grab a good seat, and… I thought I was early. Wayyyy beyond my expectation, the queue was awfully long. More than a thousand of people were queuing to enter the church hall. I queued and waited, so did the rest, hoping that the hall would be big enough to accommodate all of us.

The queue outside the church building.

Half an hour later, the crowd rushed towards the entrance all of a sudden, attempting to get through the security helpers to enter at least into the lobby, but to no avail. The church hall was full, even the lobby. (Are you kidding me!) People tried to push through the front entrances, yet failed. Thanks to some kind ushers who gave us a clue of sneaking through the back entrance, I managed to get into the lobby, and got a comfortable seat behind the projector screen. Halellujah!

The crowd in the hall.

The lobby

People tend to take things for granted. So do I. We always look into the things that we want instead of appreciating what we have. We envy someone for being wealthy, smart, beautiful, famous… and hope to be in their position. We are all beautiful creations of God, yet never satisfied with what we are blessed with.

"I don't have limbs, but I'm not sad, because I have hope. Those of us who believe in Jesus, have hope. To receive hope when you don't see it, you'll need faith. Have full assurance in the heart of FAITH!" – Nick Vujicic

Born without limbs, Nick is happy the way he is. He is grateful for what he has instead of grieving on his disability. He never gives up by keeping his faith in God and believing in hope. He believes that God had brought him into the world for a purpose – to serve God and inspire people.

Often when I browse through pictures of stunning hot, beautiful ladies on facebook and instagram, I would envy and start comparing them with myself. This happens to most of the ladies I suppose. “Why don’t I have such sharp features?” “Why am I not slim?” Why, why, why? And the if's would come along. I daydream of things that would possibly happen IF I had those good physical characteristics. We can’t deny that we tend to magnify our imperfections than appreciating what we have. Comparing among peers, trying to be someone we’re not. Instead of being jealous of others, why can’t we accept ourselves for who we are and be grateful for those special features that make us unique the way we are? If Nick had kept groaning about his physical appearance, he wouldn't be where he is today. It is not wrong to compare for self-improvement. But this has to stop if you are making yourself miserable.

Self-acceptance is important before expecting people to accept and see the natural beauty in you. My parents often tell me that I am beautiful. Friends have told me that I am beautiful. And I believe that. I might not have the beauty that I envy of, but I am beautiful and unique the way I am. So are you.

One of the quotes from Nick I love most that day, and a shoutout to everyone out there
“You are wonderfully and fearfully made. God loves YOU!”

Photo credits to #CHCKL

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Of FOOD in Taiwan

For someone who loves food (and shopping too), I was in love with the night markets in Taiwan. Night markets in Taiwan are always crowded and happening, and each of them differ in their own famous snacks. Some of the famous ones include Shihlin Night Market in Taipei and Feng Chia Night Market in Taichung. Most of the night markets operate daily, selling snacks and fast food, clothes, accessories, electrical devices etc..

Yi Zhong night market in Taichung

“There is no love sincerer than the love of food” – George Bernard Shaw

There is also a Chinese saying “To the people, food is heaven”.

Thanks to the recommendation of my fellow Taiwanese friends, I was so blessed by indulging in good food every single day. Well Taiwan is definitely famous for their street food. Bubble tea, fried chicken fillet, stinky tofu, fried mushrooms, sausages, oyster omelette and so much scrumptious food available not only in night markets, and also restaurants, shops and wet market. How could one ever resist?!

They call this "small sausage within big sausage". Basically it's sausage wrapped in glutinous rice with some vege in it. You can see long queues especially in Feng Chia night market.

Top left (clockwise): Bubble tea (50 'lan' shops), Ah Po herbal egg (Sun Moon Lake), Fried Mushrooms (Yi Zhong Night Market), Fried chicken fillet (Feng Chia Night Market)

Popia wrapped ice-cream (Jiu Fen, Taipei)

Top (clockwise): Oyster omelette, Stinky tofu, Cheesy potato (Feng Chia Night Market)

Mango ice. Must try especially during summer.

Drooling isn't it....

Besides snacks, beef noodles and braised pork rice are some of the must have in Taiwan.

Beef noodles. The best I've had from Jiu Fen, Taipei.

Braised pork rice

Before departing to Taiwan, Sorrano had warned me NOT to grow too fat in Taiwan. Haha.. I guess I didn’t disappoint her.

Photo taken on my last day in Taiwan. Still looking good =D

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Sunday Tea #2: Photo Challenge

Something exciting is stirring for this week's Sunday Tea with Superpeppers! We have decided to take on the photo challenge. A photo is worth a thousand words and we thought, why not take some photos to depict certain questions or words?

1. My Favorite Beverage!

Sorrano : Definitely tea. I drink all kinds of tea and  love my tea sugarless and milk-less. (Yes, even Earl Grey) My favorite tea brand is Ronnefeldt. Favorite tea type is fruit tea.

Cayeneese : Nothing beats a gulp of chilled 100 plus (isotonic drink) after an extreme sweat out or even when you are dehydrated.

Junapeno : Red wine. ZE BEST! I secretly aspire to be a wine connoisseur. Favourite is Cabernet Sauvignon!  

2. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.

Sorrano : Stinky tofu is not everybody's cup of tea. For those who love it, beauty really lies in the eyes of the beholder.

Cayeneese : Three bachelorettes, believing that someone will appreciate them for who they are one day. (choosing this pic due to that awkward jump, oopss)

Junapeno : Hell yeah. Anyone can be a beauty queen. Mmwacks <3

3. The most artistic photo you think you have taken.

Sorrano : Japanese Nettle Jellyfish. Taken using my boy's iPhone 4S at SEA Aquarium. Well, I am sure if this photo is taken by a S4 it will be better! LOL I AM A HARDCORE Samsung/Android fan.

Cayeneese : Sunset view in Butterworth, Penang. Not really an artistic photo, but this is the best scenic photo I've taken so far.

Junapeno : The SpaceShot ride.  Perspectives decide what your mind perceives.

4. Eyegasm

Sorrano : I am not sure if this fits the theme of eyegasm but oh well, who can resist a smoked salmon sushi shaped like a blossomed Sakura?

Cayeneese :  I was mesmerized by this spectacular seaview in Kenting, Taiwan. Totally in love with the waves.

Junapeno : Exactly my facial expression when i was in The Louvre, Paris. The ceiling art impressed me way more than the framed artworks did.

5. Most annoying expression

Sorrano : Gave my friend a Bieber birthday card on his birthday to irritate him. Worked wonders.

Cayeneese : Trying a different expression, yet I find this super annoying.

Junapeno : I'm not sexy and i don't know it.

6. Something precious

Sorrano : In a moment of despair like the winter cold, you are the sole beauty that lifted me up.

Cayeneese : An old picture of my grandparents 60 years back. This is definitely something priceless and a precious memory for my grandma.

Junapeno : The sweetest girl i met when visiting a slum in the outskirts of India 2 years ago. I gave her an old soft toy of mine, and it became the most precious belonging she'd ever had. That smile on her face was priceless, and the most precious gift in return :)

A Fishy Affair-S.E.A. Aquarium

Be it admiring the vast variety of water creatures and plants or feasting on mouth watering seafood, I have always loved the aquatic ecosystem. So you can only imagine how happy I was when my boyfriend decided to take me on a date to the world's LARGEST aquarium---S.E.A Aquarium in Resorts World Sentosa, Singapore. We spent a good 4 hours at the aquarium. There were 10 zones altogether and there was definitely a lot to see. The entire experience was worth the $33 admission fee, I must say. Besides being wow-ed by a great variety of (common, uncommon, weird, exotic, magical) aquatic animals, we were also "blown away" by the Typhoon Theatre and Maritime Experiential Museum. And! The shop selling Gelato near the exit was ze best! Their Whiskey Cream Gelato was to die for. It was such a shame that I did not take any photos of neither the Gelato nor the shop. Pardon me, I was too busy in paradise.

For the nitty gritty, visit SEA Aquarium's official website here. Otherwise, read on. (Warning: Spoilers alert.)

I took hundreds (or maybe thousands) of photos and it seemed impossible to upload them all in one post. I chose a few to best illustrate my awesome trip to the aquarium. *winks* Oh and one fish photos taking tip: BE SUPER PATIENT IF YOU WANNA HAVE A GOOD SHOT!
As you enter the building, you will be greeted by an exhibition on the Maritime Silk Route and a few recreation of popular water transportation, including the Omani Dhow (photo on left). 

After scanning your admission tickets, you will first enter Shipwreck Habitat. It's like a tunnel through the aquarium.

After the tunnel, you will come across some transparent floors!

Razorfish and pipefish. The pipefish camouflaged really well so I had to circle it so that you can take notice. 

Can you guess what are these? *Jeng jeng jeng* Shark Eggs! SHARK EGGS!!!!!!!

The many faces of starfish ;)

They had a large cylindrical aquarium and a discovery pool as well. 'Fun' Fact: I actually got a shock and quickly withdrew my hand after touching the starfish. Made a fool out of myself. GAH.

The ever beautiful aquatic ecosystem.

Eeeekkkk! Garden eels! 

Man eating sharks? or sharks eating man? We often perceive sharks as dangerous man murderers. However, the extinction of sharks today are mainly caused by human activities. Ah, the irony.

Ending the post with this perfectly camouflaged fish. At first glance, I thought it was some kind of aquatic plant. But then I looked closer and holy crap, it was a fish!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

How to be a Licensed PADI Scuba Diver

Hey guys!

So about a month ago, i managed to fulfill one of my little life goals i.e. to be a certified scuba diver. 

It sounds quite daunting at first, when you think about the big borderless ocean, underwater wildlives and sharks, and a monster load of water that could drown you. But really, it's nothing too scary! 

I honestly had one of the best experiences of my life.

To those of you who are interested, here's how to get started.

1. First of all, you need to make sure you can swim. Don't worry, you don't have to be a pro at it, just as long as you're able to do a few laps, and you're comfortable in water, then you're good to go! 

2. Do some research & choose a diver training organization that best suits you. I highly recommend PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors). If you have zero experience and qualification, you will have to opt for the Open Water Diver Course, which was exactly what i took.

3. Next, you just need to pick a destination for your diving course. There are many many PADI dive centers around the world, so it's entirely up to you! (I did mine at Dive Down Below, in the state of Sabah, Malaysia). 

DownBelow Dive Centre, Gaya Island, KK, Sabah.

The View from DownBelow Dive Centre.

4. Once you've decided on the destination, contact the particular dive centre and start planning your vacation! It's as easy as that.

My experience at Dive Down Below was beyond amazing. I traveled alone, but i instantly felt at home the moment i arrived at the dive center. Everyone was warm, fun and friendly! I could say it felt like the asian version of Hawaii - sunshine and blue skies, crystal clear blue water, divers in bikinis and surfers pants, tanned and toned Sabahan dive instructors with sun-kissed skin and golden hair who were constantly humming some chirpy song. Only things lacking were the ukulele and a cocktail shack, but too much alcohol is prohibited when diving so NEVERMIND. lol.

My Open Water Diver Course was for 4 days, and each day filled me up with new skill lessons and challenges. But there was nothing to worry about, cause my instructor, Tim is a macho man!

my instructor, Tim.

Dropping into the water.


Can you spot me? hehe

Assembling the scuba gear. Freakin heavy! 

Prepping for the Open Water Dive! 

and we're good to go!

As you can see, there's a white lady beside me taking the same Open Water Diver course. She's 59 years old but she has the spirit and determination of a 20 year-old. I wouldn't say this diving course was the easiest, because lots of underwater skills were required, and at one point we were required to do a swimming test - 200m swim in the middle of the sea with no gear at all, no goggles no mask no fins, but with strong seawaves that could eat you alive! She couldn't make it on the first try but did not give up. When she finally made it on the second try, i was honestly moved, was so proud of her i gave her a big tight hug!

On that very day, I learnt that AGE IS REALLY JUST A NUMBER. Such an inspiring lady :)

I even met the youngest diver Josephine, 10 years old!

However, this course did torture me a little when it came to studying & revising the theories of diving. Every damn evening when i came back from the island all tired and roasted, all i wanted to do was sleep and die in bed, but i still had to do homework & revision, in preparation for an MCQ theory exam. LOL SO MUCH FOR HAVING A BEACH VACATION.

Well, what i can say is, it was definitely worth it. Now i'm a certified open water diver, and i'm licensed to dive in any part of the world :)

I've got my diving licence. When is your turn? ;)

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