I am in a dilemma! I want to pick up a new language this upcoming Fall semester but I do not know which language to pick. #FirstWorldProblem
I am now quad(and a half)-lingual but I do not intend to stop. I have always love learning new languages because I grew up knowing that language is power. Communication is so important in our daily lives that being able to communicate with people from different ethnicity, different cultures, different backgrounds in their own languages gives me the extra edge. Besides, learning a language is fascinating because through language, I hear the stories, I understand the thinking and I see the beauty of that particular culture. It is safe to say that languages allow me to be more perceptive and more sensitive towards my surroundings. And then, there are other factors like knowing what other people are bitching about you when they bitch in a different language. #TrueStory
Anyways, back to my dilemma. What language should I learn? I am so spoilt for choices. I am actually choosing between Spanish, French or Korean. Spanish because it is one of the most widely spoken foreign languages in the world and if I were to travel to Mexico or any South American countries, it is always good to know Spanish; French because I have not picked up any European language and I would love to master French cuisine; Korean because I love almost everything Korean and I am such a BIG fan of RUNNING MAN that just in case one day I get to meet any RM members personally, I will be able to blabber in Korean. (Sweet Dreams Sorrano, sweet dreams.)
I guess I will just think about it more. But for those who want to learn a new language and do not wish to pay for classes, check out these great online resources:
1. LIVE MOCHA- http://livemocha.com/
2. BABBEL- http://www.babbel.com/
3. BBC Languages-http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/
4. BUSUU-http://www.busuu.com/enc/
Au revoir. Gracias. Annyeong.
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