Thursday, July 18, 2013

Activating SuperPeppers

A warm and hearty welcome to you! You’ve landed on the hottest, spiciest space in the blogosphere. The Superpeppers Blog!

Superpeppers is a "rojak" (eclectic mix) blog authored by three ordinary ladies with extraordinary dreams- Junapeno, Sorrano and Cayeneese. We will share almost everything and anything. Lifestyle, education, food, travel, fitness, how-to-dos, fashion, name it.  And because we are three very different people, every post will be unique, multidimensional and refreshing.

The authors: (Personal bios can be found on top of this page)

Junapeno - Bold & edgy, she knows what she wants and gets what she wants. Even in adverse situations, she knows how to keep her jalapeno fire burning bright and spice up her life.

Sorrano - She is definitely not your typical girl next door. She is strong and versatile in character, just like the bright colored and mild tasting serrano pepper. 

Cayeneese - Bursting with optimism and positivity, this Cayenne pepper stands firm against obstacles. 
Sweet and pleasant, yet flaming hot when you try to mess with her. 

Lets turn this blog space into a platform for everyone to learn, relate, and grow into amazing individuals.

  "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at  all."


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